Diversity and inclusion still matters

It is heartening to see that despite the difficult times we now find ourselves in that firms such as ScanSource are “reaffirming their commitment to diversity and inclusion” (1). Often in tough times one of the first things to go or be put on the back burner are human resources programs and diversity inclusion becomes a ‘dirty word’ because by some it may seem by some at the board level that is something that needs to be done but costs money.

Despite COVID-19 we must not divest ourselves of diversity and inclusion initiatives, policy or programs. To do so is folly and will not enable organisations to survive in the short term or indeed the medium or long term as they will simply disengage their employees and encourage them to re-consider their career whilst looking elsewhere for opportunities with other organisations where this is not the case.

Whilst it may seem the obvious choice to cuts costs in COVID-19 environment in all areas of an organisation doing so in diversity and inclusion may not be such a good idea. Not only is there the internal issues this can cause but also organisations “could not not face a backlash from customers and talent now but also, down the line, fail to better position themselves for growth and renewal” (2). One must weigh up all these factions and realise that it is better to have policies in place around diversity and inclusion which not only encourage but also challenge current ideas in being innovative to deal with the current global economic situation we find ourselves in.

If we encourage those that promote diversity and inclusion then it will help those of us who come from diverse backgrounds and help with creating a more inclusive society. Our experiences can add value to organisations and I know from personal experience that I can bring resilience to the table in any organisation. I have learnt to be resilient through negative experiences I have had in society and from those that don’t accept or want to even understand transgender people.

We now have the opportunity to create a new world order, a new society which is constantly evolving and one which accepts diversity and inclusion.

1: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200717005537/en/ScanSource-Reaffirms-Commitment-Diversity-Inclusion-Creation-Dedicated

2. https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion/diversity-still-matters#

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